Managing Your Expenses in Online Invoices
Start managing your additional expenses: Through the “Finance” tab, Select the “Expenses” option. To create a new expense click the “New Expense” button at the top right corner. The Blue Division bar displays your entered “Expenses” during the showing periods which are the: “Last 7 Days”, “Last 30 Days” and “Last 365 Days” Use the “Search” bar to search for expenses. Use the “Date” section to search for expenses by date. Use the “Category” […]
Managing Time Tracking Projects in Online Invoices
Online Invoices “Time tracking” feature is a project based tool, So in order to track your time, you will have to create new projects to have your time entries assigned to. Create a New Project: Through the “Time Tracking” tab, select the“Projects” section. Click the “New Project” button. Add a “Name” to the project and any related notes. Tick the “Active” checkbox on the left-hand side to keep the project’s status activated. Click the “Save” […]
How to generate an invoice from your mobile phone
Our Free Invoice Generator is ideal for the business owners who like to generate and send a one time invoice on the fly. It has 3 Free Invoice Templates : Tax Invoice Template Simple Invoice Template Business Invoice Template. You can generate any amount of invoices you need using these templates and download the invoice in PDF or email the PDF directly to your customer. Beside these features, the Invoice Generator is fully compatible with […]
How to Upgrade Your Online Invoices System
“Online Invoices” software provides a variety of plans to match all customers needs. You can choose one of the following plans: “Free” plan “Silver” plan “Gold” plan “Platinum” plan If you would like to expand your system and upgrade to a higher plan, please follow the following steps: At the top right panel of your system, click on the drop-down arrow and select the “Upgrade” option. The browser will display the “Upgrade Plans” section. Select […]
How to Change Your Email Address
Having an email address is crucial for the online invoices system. This is where you will get the latest updates about your invoices and payments and other important emails, so make sure you registered with your email and the email is active. To change your email address follow these steps: From the top right corner click the drop down arrow and choose “Change Email” Enter your current password in the “Your Current Password” text […]
How to Change Your Password
You should choose a secure, long password for your account that can not be guessed easily. To change your password follow these steps : From the top right corner click the drop down arrow and choose “Change Password“ Enter your current password in the “Current Password” text box. Enter your new password in the “New Password” text box. Retype you new password again in the “Confirm Password” text box. Click the “Submit” button. Log […]
How to Reset Your Password
If you lost or forgot your online invoices system’s password you can reset it following these steps : Open your system’s domain for example”x.onlineinvoices.com”, and click the “Forgot password?” link. Enter your current email address in the “Email” text box. Enter the CAPTCHA text. Click the “Reset Password” button. Your password will be reset when you click the “Reset Password” button and an email will be sent to your email address: This email describes how […]
Adding a New File/Document
This post is about adding new Terms & Conditions to your online invoices system. To learn how to add Terms & Conditions to your invoice/estimate follow attaching documents to an invoice 1- From the “Templates” menu choose “Manage File/Document”. 2- From the Top right Corner click the “New Document” button. 3- Start uploading your file or document: Title : Choose a title for your document. Upload Document: Allowed file formats are (pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,csv,jpg,png,gif) and the […]
Managing Documents
Through the “Templates” tab, Select the “Manage File/Document” option. The “Documents” page will list all the documents that you have previously created earlier. Use the “Search” bar feature to search for documents by writing their titles in the “Title” field. Next, to each document on the same horizontal row to the right-hand side click the “Edit” button to be able to edit or the “Delete” button to delete the document. Adding a New File/Document 1- […]
Up and Running with Online Invoices Reports
Regarding any date range, you can generate reports related to taxes, payments or general invoice. With an easy to use filter options, you can customize the results related to any specific client, currency, status and many other options. Pick up your mind, determine your plans and evaluate your business performance in a blink of an eye. General Invoice Report Through the “Reports” tab, Select “Invoices Reports” Select your preferred report by segmentation (Client – Staff) […]
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