
Adding a New Staff Member to Your Online Invoices System

Adding “Staff Members” makes work easier, and a staff member can act as an employee to your company.

A “New staff Member” can:

  1. Create and manage products or services.
  2. Create and manage clients.
  3. Register expenses
  4. Perform “Time tracking” in addition to creating projects & activities.
  5. Create invoices, estimates and invoicing the clients.
  6. You can grant permissions & accesses to your staff member to perform any tasks on the system and track the actions of your “Staff Members”.

To Add a New Staff Member:Add-staff-details

  1. Through the “Staff” tab, Select the “Add Staff” option.
  2. Add your staff member’s details
    1. “Name”, “Email address” and also a “Password” in which the staff member will be using to login to the system.
    2. Set a “Role” to your staff member.
    3. Tick the “Active” checkbox.
  3. Click the “Save” button.


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